Invest in E-Commerce and Earn in 2024

Invest in E-Commerce and Earn in 2024.


The e-commerce industry continues to replace traditional shopping. E-commerce technology such as Amazon, Shopify, Ebay, Etsy continues to surround the world. If you manage your e-commerce business system-based by working with the right warehouse to catch up with the trends and stand out from your competitors, you can sell your products in America and convert your income into dollars. With more and more consumers switching from brick-and-mortar stores to online stores, any business aiming to succeed in the digital shopping environment needs to stay on top of the latest e-commerce trends.


We are experts in e-commerce, our software-based warehouse that meets e-commerce requirements continues to grow day by day with our customers who prefer us from Turkey, America, Europe, Japan and other countries in the Miami Doral region. Would you like to be the winner of 2024 with the right storage and e-commerce management? We’ve put together some of the things to expect in the e-commerce industry in 2024 and how to prepare your business for them.


The Shining Year of Trade 2024


  • Mobile loyalty has accelerated,
  • Online stores optimized for all age groups
  • Loyal customer experience with customer service management
  • Making shopping choices based on comments
  • Preferring educational and interactive products
  • Personalized shopping experience
  • Increase in easy payment methods
  • Instant delivery with Fast Shipping


The World moving into the peak period in online shopping


Research conducted in 2017 shows that global retail e-commerce sales reached approximately 2.3 trillion dollars, an increase of 24.8 percent compared to the previous year. Mobile sales accounted for $1.4 trillion of this figure; This accounts for 58.9 percent of digital sales and represents an increase of 18.7 percent compared to 2015. Considering that consumers were more dependent on online shopping during the height of the Covid-19 epidemic, it is not surprising that these figures are increasing rapidly every year.


Thanks to the contactless, fast, comfortable and convenient nature of online shopping, it has become mainstream in the modern age. And now it’s user-friendly, more accessible and easier than ever. As algorithms and technologies constantly improve, it can be easily predicted that businesses will achieve greater growth through e-commerce.


Does your business not have an online store yet? Do you sell only within the country? Would you like to sell your products in America? Do you have an e-commerce site but you are not satisfied with your sales? Whatever the case, to survive in the market you need to optimize to meet the needs of your shoppers.


A study by Trend Report found that 80 percent of consumers between the ages of 25 and 40 shop online.


By determining what your target audience prefers, what they are influenced by, and what are the determining factors in their shopping preferences, you can manage your marketing network accordingly.


The popularity of voice search will constantly increase


Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Cortana and Siri are now increasingly used to complete tasks. Data compiled by Think with Google reveals that 72 percent of smart speaker owners use their devices every day. The amazing thing about these speakers is that they can be used to order items, create shopping lists, browse the internet, and even complete other home organization tasks.

So what is the contribution of this to e-commerce? As a business owner, you need to optimize content and keywords relevant to voice searches through smart speakers.


More Payment Methods More Sales


Cash on delivery is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Today, most consumers are increasingly choosing secure digital payment services such as Apple Pay, PayPal, Google Pay and more. Enabling flexible payment options at checkout is a proven way to increase conversion rates and protect against canceled sales. In summary, providing shoppers with a fast, convenient and secure payment experience will add more value to your business.


Create educational and interactive product content


Product photos are no longer enough. Convincing consumers to buy requires an engaging presentation. Therefore, provide educational content in the form of reviews and videos to make your products more marketable. Amazon now allows this, in the past e-commerce Marketplaces only allowed uploading products with images shot on a white background, today they have a lot of content such as videos, customer experiences etc. Allows access to content.


Customized shopping experience


Success in e-commerce means more than just selling products and uploading product features. Each consumer group has individual needs that require a personalized shopping experience. One way to achieve this is by using data collected by AI, which leads to increased revenue and a more simplified browsing experience.


Choose Suitable Logistics for E-commerce


A large part of the e-commerce shopping experience takes place in the digital world, but without logistics, the success of your e-commerce is meaningless. No matter how well your products sell, your orders will not be fulfilled unless you have a good warehouse and low-cost logistics solutions. Short-term solutions are not sustainable. For example, you want to sell your products in the American market, and you send the orders coming to your Etsy store to America with one-time shipments. This is a process that is both very costly, time-consuming and requires serious operational management. Simply put, using area-based logistics greatly contributes to your overall customer satisfaction and delivery experience. As technology constantly evolves, new innovations have recently been launched to overcome last-mile challenges. These include drones, driverless vehicles, e-Cargo bikes and light electric pickup trucks. However, we still have time for them to become widespread in the logistics world. What is appropriate for now is to carry out logistics to the region that is your sales target.


The important thing, of course, is to choose the right and expert logistics companies with a proven history. This ensures that your end customers’ orders arrive on time and in perfect condition.


Importance of Storage


Do you want to sell your products in America, which has a population of 331 million, and benefit from the warehouse and intermediate warehouse services offered in America? Collaborate with ProShipus to help you strategically optimize your business’s inventory management, product storage and distribution processes. The right warehouse, the right delivery is the most important and complementary part of e-commerce.


ProShipus was founded in 2009, based in America, and during this time it gained its leading position in the industry in Fulfillment services. It serves as a reliable and innovative partner that offers the opportunity to do e-commerce in America from Turkey.


The growth of the e-commerce industry is unstoppable, and so is your business. Now that you already know the ecommerce trends in 2024, it’s time to gear up. With the right strategy and e-commerce logistics partner, you can achieve your goals and achieve growth in a short time.


Take the first step by contacting us for our e-commerce storage service.

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